For today’s game day snack I am just going to remind you of one of my favorite things! Chips and salsa or guacamole! It is one of the simplest things to make. You can find a recipe for Fresh Garden Salsa or Black Bean and Corn Salsa or Guacamole on our blog. Then just bring along with a bag of your favorite tortilla chips for a appetizer that everyone will enjoy!
Number of Children – Almost 2! Jonah is 2 years old and baby #2 is due November 4th!!
Favorite foods – Greek Anything, Extra Sharp Cheddar Cheese, Chips and Salsa, New York Style Pizza! This list could go on and on and on……..
3 Things I am looking forward to this year – Meeting baby #2, taking Jonah to the pumpkin patch, starting some new family traditions for the Holidays
Favorite season – I’m not sure that I have a favorite season… My idea of a perfect day would be partly sunny, a warm breeze, and being able to be comfortable outside without sweating and without a coat. I love the changing of the seasons and love that I live in an area that experiences all of the seasons!
Favorite place to find new recipes – Everyday Food Magazine, Food Network,
Food I haven’t tried, but want to – Having lived in large cities with LOTS of culture, I have tried a lot of different foods. The one culture whose food I would like to try more of would be the Indian culture.
Favorite restaurant – Chevy’s Fresh Mex or Chipotle
Recipes: Messy or Organized – It depends… The messy ones are loose-leaf paper that have been hand written or printed. They tend to be just thrown in a pile near the cookbooks. However, more recently I have started saving them in a folder on my computer to keep them in one place. Last year, I also started what may become a yearly tradition of creating a shutterfly photobook as a cookbook. I added recipes and pictures of some of my family’s favorite foods and had them printed. It is a great way to keep them together and mine gets used constantly.
Favorite thing about my chaos – That it is all mine! No matter how many people are in my same situation of having 1 kid, being pregnant, working part time, etc. it will never be the same as mine. Just as each person is unique, each chaotic situation is also unique!
Favorite holiday – 4th of July! I love spending time with family and friends, eating food off of the grill, enjoying the fact that the sun stays up so late, oh and I LOVE FIREWORKS!
I LOVE every part of your chaos, too!