Top 5 Must Haves in your purse or diaper bag: phone, wallet, chapstick/lip gloss, wipes, diapers
Choice Pizza Toppings – Pepperoni has always been my favorite, but, I also love taco pizza if there aren’t any beans on it!
What are your current hobbies? The last few weeks my hobby has been finding stuff to sell in our garage sale (which is only 2 weeks away) (not sure if that’s actually considered a hobby though 😉
Your favorite place that you’ve lived or visited – London. I went there when I was in Cosmetology school and I would definitely go back again someday if I get the chance.
Which do you prefer: spontaneity or stability? I’m not very spontaneous…love to have everything planned out.
Summer time activity you’re most looking forward to: Going to the pool with the kids! It’ll be interesting this year with three but I’m sure we’ll have a great time!
Aromas that you enjoy most – This time of year I love the smell of my lilac bush right outside my front door!
Favorite Room of the House: Living Room…that’s where my family is always hanging out.
Happiness is…being with my family! I feel so blessed to have a healthy, happy family!
Lilac is heavenly!