As I mentioned a few weeks ago, we are expecting a little baby girl in September. We already have two boys, Jackson and Bennett, so I am finally getting a girl. Growing up in a family of four girls I had no idea what I would do when we had our first boy…what did boys even like to do??? I quickly learned how much fun they can be and I can’t imagine it any other way. But since we are having a girl I now get to spend some time doing “girly” stuff.
Big hair bows are all the rage right now and while I am not sure if they will be an everyday accessory or just a great photo prop, I have started her collection and I needed a place to store them. I ran across several ideas online from Etsy and Pinterest and I decided surely I could make my own. It was very simple and I think it will be a perfect addition to her room.
NOTE: I am new to crafting so there may be better tools to use but this worked for me. Hopefully as I do more projects (and not just look at them on Pinterest and other blogs), I will become better at it.
Supplies you will need:
– Wooden Letter
– Multi-Surface Acrylic Craft Paint (I used the Martha Stewart brand)
– foam paint brush
– 3/4″ ribbon
– Tacky Glue
– Embellishments
All of my items were purchased at Michael’s but you can use your local craft store and they should have these basic items.
Step 1: Paint wooden letter. I used a foam paint brush and painted two coats.
Step 2: Decide how many ribbons you would like to hang down and the length. Because I needed an “S” I only had room for two but if you had more room on the bottom of your letter you could use more ribbon. Cut ribbon. I also made one smaller piece for the top so that I could hang it from the ribbon but my letter does have a cut-out on the back so you wouldn’t need that.
Step 3: Attach ribbon with tacky glue and place something heavy on it to hold it still until it dries.
Step 4: Hang on the wall or on the back of a closet door. Attach bows.
This is such a simple craft but I love how it adds a little personalization to her room and it is a great way to keep track of all of her hair bows. We are in the process of building our house so I will update pictures of her room when it is finished!
You can find us linking up HERE and Chic & Crafty Party!
This is really crafty!